Denali National Park

Denali National Park in Alaska is one of the most beautiful places I have seen. My sense of what big is increased one order of magnitude having seen this huge place. The Park is bigger then Massachusetts.

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Dom makes first showball of the season! On the 13 hour bus rie into and out of the park it rained, sleeted and snowed. We drove 90 miles in and 90 miles out of the park.
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Tundra region of the park featuring vegetation low to the ground. There is much for the animals to eat. The fall colors were spectacular.
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Tundra and mountains.
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Light snow on the mountains. This snow fell while we were in the park.
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Glacier fed stream. We saw caribou down there.
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Mother and bub grizzly bear near the wheel of the bus. They paid us little attention. Roots were more interesting then we were.
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Magic Lake. On a clear day you get a marvelous vew of Mount McKinley form here.We never sat it (if it exists at all).
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If you think I look cold, you would be correct. I froze the entire time I was in Alaska. The streams in the background are fed from glaciers between the mountains. y suitcase did not arrive in Alaska until the next day. I borrowed cloths from Bill Garrard (the jacket you see me in) and from Sinclair Stewart.
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Taiga regions of the park (pronounced ti-ga) have trees. This is at a lower elevation nearer to the entrance of the park.

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