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MRE-4 Monopropellant Thruster

For more than 25 years, TRW monopropellant thrusters have provided continous on-orbit delta velocity and attitude control service for a variety of spacecraft. All thrusters share the unique TRW head design, utilize Shell 405 catalyst, and incorporate bed loadings consistent with long life. mre4 engine
Engine statistics
Thrust at max. operating pressure 18 N at 600 psia
Thrust at 275 psia inlet pressure 9.8 N (2.2 lbf)
Steady State Specific Impulse/th> 217 sec
Minimum impulse-bit at 275 psia 0.054 lbs-sec
Envelope (width * length) 61 mm * 206 mm
Weight (single thruster module) 0.5 kg
Weight (dual thruster module) NA
Maximum throughput 249 kg
Maximum cycles 507,000
Operating Pressure Range 50-600 psia
Thruster Valve Power at 28 Vdc 30 W