Links to Input MRCSP Data Layers

NASS Indiana Cropland Data Layer

2000 Data UTM/WGS84 (25 megabyte zip file)
2001 Data UTM/WGS84 (25 megabyte zip file)
2002 Data UTM/WGS84 (25 megabyte zip file)
2003 Data UTM/WGS84 (25 megabyte zip file)
2004 Data UTM/WGS84 (14 megabyte zip file) (Combination of Landsat 5 for Western Indiana and IRS AWiFS sensor for Eastern Indiana.)

2002 Data Albers Conic Equal Area/NAD27 (25 megabyte zip file)

The above data are in ERDAS Imagine format. ArcView (with Spatial Analyst extension) and ArcGIS can read this raster data.

USGS GAP Analysis Program

SSURGO Data Mixture of UTM/WGS84 and Geographic

Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia

STATSGO Data Albers Conic Equal Area/NAD27

USGS Land Cover Data (NLCD) Albers Conical Equal Area/NAD83

The files are in some choices of raster formats. I used the GeoTIFF format.

Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia

The following GeoTIFF files represent the merged categories as currently being discussed. The merged or grouped categories (with original category number) are: 1:Water (11), 2:Urban (21,22,23), 3: Urban/Recreational Grasses (85), 4:Barren (31), 5:Minelands (32,33), 6:Forest (41,42,43), 7:Shrub/Orchard/Grass (51,61,71), 8:Pastureland/Hay (81), 9:Cropland (82,83,84) and 10:Wetland (91,92).

The following GeoTIFF files are in Albers Conic Equal Area/NAD83 projection.

Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia

The following is a shape file in Albers Conic Equal Area/NAD83 projection which includes all of the statsgo polygons for all seven states with variables in the data base for the portion of area (0-1), hectares and socp within each statsgo polygon for the 10 grouped NLCD categories - None, Water, Urban, Recreational Urban (RECREA), Barren, Mine, Forest, Shrub, Pasture (PAST), Cropland (CROP) and Wetlands (WETL). Also include are the breakdowns of urban, pasture and cropland into prime not eroded, prime eroded, prime severely eroded and marginal using the procedure defined in the latest May 21, 2004 version of the procedures document.

mrcsp_statsgo_nlcd3_a83 shape file

The suffix descriptions of the variables in this file are:

-PR represents portion of area between 0 and 1.
-HA represents the hectares for that category
-PN4 represents prime not eroded
-PE4 represents prime eroded
-PS4 represents prime severely eroded
-M4 represents marginal
-SOCP or SOC or SO represents the soil organic carbon pool for that category

Note that the update for the new mineland areas are not included in this shape file data base. file This file contains the min and max SOCP value for several of the Land Uses. It was created for Chris Bouquot (8/6/2004).

Derived/Results Shape Files

Derived from STATSGO data as portion of the map unit that is defined as being eroded or severely eroded. I have been displaying the eroded or severely_e fields with 5 ranges such as: 1-10; 10-30; 30-50; 50-70; 70-100 (represent percents). Note that the following shape files contain the polygons for both the eroded and severely eroded areas. There are two fields in the dbf files that give the eroded area percentages for eroded (eroded) and severely eroded (severely_e) respectively.

Erosion Areas Geographic/NAD83
Erosion Areas Albers Conic Equal Area/NAD83

The following are jpeg files of the eroded and severely eroded areas for the 7 states from the above shape files. These are from the Geographic/NAD83 shape files.

JPEG Image of Eroded Areas (all 7 states)
JPEG Image of Severely Eroded Areas (all 7 states)

State boundaries for Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia

Albers Conic Equal Area/NAD83

Other Information that has been provided.

MLRA Boundaries (Albers Conic Equal Area/NAD83; Geographic/NAD83)
Federal Land Boundaries (Geographic/NAD83)
Park Boundaries (Geographic/NAD83)
Urban Boundaries (Geographic/NAD83)


Center for Advanced Applications in Geographic Information Systems
Indiana Spatial Data Portal

IndianaMap Data Clearinghouse
County Boundaries (Geographic/NAD83 shape file)


County Boundaries (Geographic/NAD83 shape file)


County Boundaries (Geographic/NAD83 shape file)


County Boundaries (Geographic/NAD83 shape file)


County Boundaries (Geographic/NAD83 shape file)


Map Compilation and Digitizing Center
Soil Information for Environmental Modeling
Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access
County Boundaries (Geographic/NAD83 shape file)

West Virginia

County Boundaries (Geographic/NAD83 shape file)

Related Links

Consortium for Agricultural Soil Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases
Battelle's Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership web page

(revised 1/18/2007)