Update Archive


001006 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
- A problem was fixed which caused there to be no cluster classes in the project when the number of final cluster classes was larger than 255. MultiSpec was supposed to save the first 255 classes since that is currently the maximum number of classes allowed. The procedure was changed so that the largest 255 cluster classes as far as the number of pixels included are now saved instead of just the first 255 classes.
- The status message for ISODATA clustering now includes the number of active clusters used for each pass.
- The cluster class names saved to the mask file now include the name of the respective project class if used as initial cluster centers.
Project Files
- If MultiSpec detects that a project file being used on a Mac was created with the Windows version or vice versa, the statistics are recomputed. This is done because the number of pixels in polygonal areas may represent a different number of pixels in the two different versions.
- A problem was fixed which caused MultiSpec to crash at times when ERDAS Imagine files were the base project file and projects/image windows were closed and opened.
File - Open Image
- A problem was fixed which caused some image files with no headers to default to a thematic image file type.
- A problem was fixed which caused some 16-bit formatted TIFF files to not be displayed correctly. The resulting displayed image would be dark or displayed in "odd" colors.
Macintosh Version
Projection Pursuit
- A problem was fixed which caused MultiSpec to crash under some conditions. Also Project Pursuit was changed to allow classes with fewer pixels than the number of channels to continue if LOOC stats are being used.
Windows Version
Reformat - Change Image File Format
- A problem was fixed which caused an Alert Dialog to not be displayed when the disk volume is not large enough for the new file to be created.

000402 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
Open Image
- A revision was made in how MultiSpec handles the LWSOWG format. MultiSpec now treats the prefix bytes and left border bytes as "Prechannel Bytes" and the suffix bytes and right border bytes as "Poschannel Bytes". This change causes these bytes to not be displayed as a part of the image. This is particularly noticeable when displaying SPOT data which is in this format.
Classify, Feature Selection, Utilities-Check Covariances
- A problem was fixed which causes these processors to crash most times when one ran them using a feature transformation, then changed the project base image to an image file that had fewer channels than the previous project base image file and finally selected the same processor again. MultiSpec would crash before the dialog box would open or shortly after that.

000308 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
Open Image
- MultiSpec can now read the ArcView raster files directly. This capability has not been tested extensively. I have tested it on 4 different .bil ArcView files that I am using. Let me know if anyone has problems.
- A problem was fixed which caused the Leave-One-Out Covariance statistics to not be computed for those classes after a class in the project that did not have any training fields.
Statistics Window
- The statistics type popup menu has been added to the "Project Mode" statistics window. This popup menu will allow one to select the statistics to be used in the same way that the Project menu does.
- Also an option has been added to the popup menu to allow one to set the leave-one-out covariance (LOOC) mixing parameter. One can do this in the Macintosh version by holding down on the "Option Key" before mousing down on the popup menu. One can do this in the Windows version by holding the right mouse button down before mousing down on the popup menu with the left mouse button. In either case, the "LOOC" menu item will change to "LOOC...". A dialog box will be presented to the user if "LOOC..." is selected. This dialog box will allow one to use the computed LOOC mixing parameter, one set by the user or one can select a special case to cause the identity matrix to be used in place of the covariance matrix.
- These options were added for teaching purposes to illustrate how several of the classification algorithms are actually part of a family of algorithms in which the only difference is the covariance matrix that is used to represent the classes. Another way to look at it is several of the algorithms are special cases of the Maximum Likelihood algorithm.
- For example:
If one selects a user mixing parameter of 1 within this dialog box and runs a classification with the Maximum Likelihood classifier, one obtains the same results as if one ran the classification with the orginal statistics - the class covariances are used.
If one selects a user mixing parameter of 2 and uses the Maximum Likelihood classifier, one obtains the same results as if one ran the Fisher Linear Discriminant with the original statistics - the common covariance is used as the covariance for each class.
If one selects a user mixing parameter of 0 and uses the Maximum Likelihood classifier, one obtains the same results as if one ran a classifier called the Eliptical Classifier as described in a paper by Merembeck and Turner, "Directed Canonical Analysis and the Performance of Classifiers Under its Associated Linear Transformation", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. GE-18, No. 2, April 1980.
If one selects the special case of the identity matrix to be used in place of the covariance matrix and uses the Maximum Likelihood classifier, one obtains the same results as if one ran the Minimum Distance Classifier with the original statistics.
Also I view the Correlation classifier (or Spectral Angle Mapper) as a part of this family since the algorithm uses a subset of the parameters that are used in the Minimum Distance classifier.

- Note that the LOOC algorithm that is used to compute the "optimum" value determines the mixture of the diagonal of the class covariance, class covariance, common covariance and diagonal of the common covariance that maximizes the likelihood of the training pixels. Generally, the value will be close to one when one has a lot of training pixels and closer to 0 or 2 or 3 when one has few training pixels.

- Note that one can select difference types of covariances to be used for each class. It is not advised however unless one is conducting an experiment along those lines. It is very difficult to keep tract of which type of covariance is being used for each class.
Windows Version
Open Project File Dialog
- The *.Project has been added as a suffix filter. This makes it easier to transfer project files back and forth between Macintosh and Windows machines.

000218 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
Output Text Window
- The output in the text window is now formatted differently so that it is easier to separate the output from the different processor runs.
- The default column interval to use for clustering has been changed to 1 for image files that contain fewer than 500,000 pixels. Note that a user suggested this change (and the one for Histogram Image) since the computers are so much faster than they were a several years ago when the defaults were first implemented.
Histogram Image
- The default line and column interval to use for image histogram has been changed to 1 for image files with fewer than 5,000,000 pixels-channels. A line interval greater than one will be used for image files larger than this size.
Open Image
- Another change was made to try to determine correctly whether bytes should be swapped in 2-byte .lan image files.
Reformat - Change Image File Format
- The default scale factor to use for transforming images with a transformation matrix derived from feature extraction and been changed to 1. The reformat output text information now contains a suggested scale setting to use if there are saturated data values.
- A change was made in the size of the output buffer to fix a problem which occurred on at least one Mac which returned a -36 file IO error when writing a very large image file.
Statistics Processor
- When one selects a mask file for training and/or test fields, an attempt will be made to match the class names in the mask file with those in the project file. The names will not have to be in the same order. The matching is case insensitive. If at least one of the class names match, then any mask file class names that do not match will be added as new project classes. If none of the thematic class names match the project class nemes, then the thematic classes are assigned to the project classes in numeric order.
Image Windows
- A feature was added to slow scrolling down when a selection is being made and one drags to the edge of the image window and one keeps the mouse about a scroll bar width away from the image. If one drags more than a scroll bar width away, scrolling will occur as fast as the processor can do it. The feature is needed because of the faster processors; scrolling occurs to quickly at times.
Windows Version
Polygon Selections
- The first click in an image window will initiate the selection of the first polygon point whether the window is active or not.
Printing Thematic Image Window
- A change was made so that the legend was not printed on top of the image on the printed page. Do not know yet whether this fixed all cases.

000126 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
- A problem was fixed which caused MultiSpec to crash when project files were read with saved statistics, LOOC statistics were selected and the Fisher's Linear Discriminant classifier was used.
- A problem was fixed which caused the Windows version to crash when cluster mask files were generated.
Reformat - Change Image File Format
- Changes were made so that the channel descriptions and values were written correctly to appended files.
Open Image
- A change was made so that a wider variety of TIFF image files could be read. Those image files in which the number of strip offset bytes is larger than the number of bytes per line can now be read.

000103 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
File-Open Image
- The capability to read ENVI headers has been modified to read a broader range of image files with that type of header including the AVIRIS images that we received in 1999.
Windows Version
Classify, Feature Extraction, Enhance Statistics
- The capability to set unequal weights for each class has been implemented.
Feature Extraction, Feature Selection
- The capability to set unequal interclass weights has been implemented. This is useful if you do not want to be concerned about separating subclasses which belong to the same information class that you are interested.
Reformat - Add/Modify Channel Descriptions
- The capability to add or modify channel descriptions via the keyboard has been implemented.


991208 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
Enhance Statistics
- A new capability has been added to the Enhance Statistics processor based on the work of Saldju Tadjudin for her PhD. The threshold parameter has been changed so that there is now a soft threshold parameter and a hard threshold parameter. The soft threshold parameter can be specified by a Chi squared value, a percent probability value, the largest labeled distance from the mean or none. The hard threshold parameter can be specified by a Chi squared value, a percent probability value or none. The soft threshold value specifies a distance from the mean beyond which the unlabeled value will be weighted less and less. The hard threshold value specifies a distance beyond which the unlabeled value is not used at all. Dr. Tadjudin found that the soft threshold parameter was useful for high dimensional data.
File-Open Image
- MultiSpec can now read LGSOWG formatted image files. The ability to read SPOT formatted image files implemented in the 991110 version is actually this format. Just a few changes were made to make the ability more general to handle all LGSOWG formatted files.
- This version implements the capability to automatically link all bands in the FAST-L7A formatted group identified in the header if a user selects the header. You can then link groups of bands if one wants (and if the images make sense to do that). This is one of the formats used for the Landsat 7 data.
- For those image files whose name ends in .bsq or .bip, the bsq or bip suffix will be removed before the sta is added to the name for the associated image statistics file.
- A problem was fixed which caused an IO error message to be displayed if one opened images whose format MultiSpec did not recognize before displaying the dialog box to enter the image parameters.
Windows Version
Display Multispectral or Thematic Image
- The display operation of the image is now like that in the Macintosh version. If the image is large, you will see the image as it displays instead of waiting for a long time for the image to appear at one time. You can cancel the display operation by striking the 'esc' key. The image window is updated 1-2 times per second during the display operation.

- Also the "Channel Descriptions" button is now active if they exist for the image. All options in the Display Image processor for the Macintosh version are now available in the Windows version.

Histogram Image
- One can now use the "Select default statistics..." option in the Method popup list. All options in the Histogram processor for the Macintosh version are now available in the Windows version.

991117 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
Classify - ECHO
A programming error was fixed which caused the ECHO classifier to not work correctly in the 991110 version. This only affected the 991110 version.
Reformat - Recode Thematic Image File
A change was made in this reformatting option so that the dialog box will be redisplayed after the recoding operation is finished to allow one to make several changes in a row. When one is done, just cancel the dialog box to cancel the operation. Also '=' was made the default compare operator instead of '<='.
File-Open Image
- MultiSpec can now read the FAST-L7A formatted CD's.
- MultiSpec can also read image files that contain the ENVI header within the same folder as the image file. There are some limitions. MultiSpec will only handle 8 and 16-bit image data.
- A programming error was fixed which caused signed 16-bit data in Imagine formatted files to not be handled correctly.
General Bug Fixes
- Programming errors were fixed which could cause crashes when listing histograms (Histogram Processor) and saving cluster statistics (Cluster Processor) under some conditions.

991110 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
Reformat - Recode Thematic Image File
This is a new processor that allows one to change the class values in a thematic image file. One can use a reference thematic image file as a threshold file to do this if one needs.
File-Open Image
- MultiSpec can now read the ERDAS Imagine format. There are some limitations. MultiSpec will only read 4, 8 and 16 bit signed and unsigned data. Also MultiSpec cannot read compressed data.
- MultiSpec can also read the SPOT CD-ROMs directly (at least those that we have).
Windows Version
Enhanced Statistics
The Enhance Statistics processor has been implemented. One can also save the enhanced statistics to the project disk file. This file can be read by the Macintosh version. Note however that a project file written by the Macintosh version with enhanced statistics cannot be read by the Windows version.
- MultiSpec does not fill the entire screen when it first opens. Some space is left open at the bottom.
- Tried to fix a problem which appears to only occur with some Windows95/98 OSes. MultiSpec would not request the user to save the output text window if it had changed since the last save when MultiSpec was closed.

991007 Version Of Documentation

Macintosh and Windows Versions

The is a revised version of the manual which describes the MultiSpec application.The reference section, which describes the windows, menus and dialog boxes, has been completely revised.


990630 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
List Statistics
- Fixed a problem which caused the system to crash sometimes if one listed field statistics for a project where only the class statistics were held in memory.
- The default for the Cluster Stats option has been changed to always be: "To New Project".
- The default for writing classification results to the "Project Text Window" has been changed from on to off.
Windows Version (16-bit and 32-bit)
- A fix was made so that if there is not enough memory to store the output results in the output text window, an alert dialog is presented to inform the user. In previous versions, the classify processor would just exit with no message as to what happened.
Thematic Image Windows
- There is a palette list control along the bottom of the legend window to the left of the legend up and down scroll buttons. The palette control allows users to change the color palette without having to open the display dialog window.
- A fix was made made in the 16-bit version so that grouping of spectral classes will work correctly. The problem did not exist in the 32-bit version.


Print, Print Preview
- Multispectral and Thematic image windows can now be printed at the magnification that they are being displayed at. If the image is too large to fit within the printed page, the image is scaled down so that it will fit on the page. Only the selected area will be printed if one is selected in the image window.
- Legends for Thematic image windows are now printed if they are being shown in the image window.
- Graph windows can be printed. They are printing at the same size as they are being displayed on the monitor. When the graph window is too large to be printed on a page, the graph is scaled so that it will fit on the printed page.

Edit - Copy Image Windows

- The same capability as given above for Print and Print Preview is now available for Edit-Copy for both Image windows and Graph windows.
Bug Fixes
- A programming error was fixed which caused polygon selections to be wrong when one selected a point to the left or top of an image.
- A fix was made so that one can not select the Window - New Window menu item. If one did, the application would crash. (This feature has not been implemented.)

990402 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
Display Multispectral Image
- Fixed a problem which caused images which were Band Interleaved by Sample (or Pixel) to not be displayed correctly in 1, 2 or 3 channel displays. (Side by Side displays were okay.)
Windows Version (16-bit and 32-bit)
- Fixed a problem which caused the "Show Train/Test Label" option in the Statistics dialog box to always default to off in the dialog box even if the user requested that it be on when the dialog box had been displayed earlier in the session.

990326 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
- A new capability has been added to allow one to define training and/or test areas with mask files. One can select the mask file(s) to use via a popup menu item in the Statistics Dialog box. The current MultiSpec capabilities to generate a mask file are via the Cluster processor and the Reformat - Convert Project Fields to Thematic Image processor. The mask capability was added to allow us to use training and test images generated by Matlab. The documentation for the Statistics Processor in the Reference section of the MuiltiSpec Intro document has been updated to reflect this new capability.
- The default for whether a small value should be substituted for 0 variances was changed from 'off' to 'on'. This option is controled by a parameter in the 'Statistics Options' dialog box which is accessed within the 'Statistics' dialog box. A message is listed in the output text window when a substitution has been made. A variance of '0' can occur when one has a scene which has been rectified and contains some background values around the edges. This background can become a cluster class when one uses the cluster processor or when one selects a training field from this area. Since the data values are the same, usually '0', the variance is '0'. This causes problems when covariance matrices with '0' variances are used, such as in the Maximum Likelihood classifier. The covariance matrix cannot be inverted. One can overcome this problem by just substituting a small variance, such as .5, which should still cause the 'background' class to be far from all of the other classes. This situation has confused some users. Hopefully this approach will help.
- Define Class and Field dialog box. The number of pixels in the field and in the class are now displayed in the 'Define Class and Field' dialog box.
- The capability has been added to generate a mask file which identifies the pixels used to generate the statistics for each of the clusters. The mask file is the same size as the input image that was used for clustering. A value of '1' is used to identify those pixels used for cluster 1, a '2' is used for cluster 2, etc. '0' is used for all pixels that were not used to generate the cluster statistics. The mask file can be treated as a thematic image file and it can be used to define training areas using the new Statistics capability described above.
List Data
- A programming error was fixed which caused graph displays of pixels in selected rectangles to only display the data for the first column. The data was being listed okay.
Coordinate Window (Macintosh version) or Coordinate View (Windows version)


- The number of pixels in a selection has been added as a displayed item.
Project Files


- This version generates a new version of the Project file which allows for inclusion of the Mask files which define training or test field. Note that earlier versions of MultiSpec will not be able to read this new project file.

Bug Fixes

- Transformation Matrices. A problem was fixed which caused transformation matrices which were not square to not be loaded properly.
Other Changes


- Changes have been made in how data are read from disk for BIL formatted data. In the past if a subset of non-contiguous channels were being requested, each channel was read separately. Beginning in this version, as long as the request is not for fewer than 3% of the channels, all channels are read at one time and then the data for the desired channels are selected. We found that this was much faster for most situations. (It may not be faster if one is reading directly from CD-ROM.)
- Additional information is listed in the text output window for some of the processors to better document the procedures used for a task.
- There were several bug fixes.
Macintosh Version
Statistics Histogram
- Statistics Histogram Plots. A new capability has been added which allows one to display plots of the histograms for selected classes and/or fields. The plots can also represent the transformed data if a transformation matrix is available from Principal Components or Feature Extraction. There are buttons on the graph window to allow one to change the channel being displayed either up or down. The 'scroll' is done to allow no more than about 2 or 3 graph changes per second. If one holds the 'command' key down while one scrolls, the graphs will change as fast as the computer can draw them. This is helpful when one is viewing histograms of hyperspectral data. Buttons are also available on the graph to change the classes or fields being display and whether the density function and/or histogram is displayed.
Graph Windows
- Graph windows can be printed
Display Image (both multispectral and thematic)
- Changes were made so that if one is zoomed into a portion of the image or scrolled such that the beginning line and column are not displayed and one redisplays the image with say a different channel combination the newly displayed image will represent the same area as used before.
Windows Version (16-bit and 32-bit)
- The capability to classify target images other than the base image for the project has been implemented. The popup menu item for target images will include all those images that are currently being displayed that contain the same number of channels and bytes as that for the base image for the project.
- The limit values for the number of columns that can be displayed have been increased in the 32-bit version. The 32-bit version has a much larger range than was available in the 16-bit version. The alert messages have been changed to reflect these new limits.
Display Thematic Image
- The Display Legend option now works the first time that the dialog box is displayed.
Feature Extraction
- The Feature Extraction processor is now available in the Windows version. One can select Discriminant Analysis or Decision Bourndary algorithms. The Project Pursuit preprocessor has not been implented yet.

Thematic Images

- One can now group spectral classes into information groups!!. When the legend is in the 'Group/Class' list mode, one can mouse down on a class name and drag it to a different group. One can double click on the group name or class name to edit their names. If one holds the control key down and double clicks on a class name, the class will be assigned to a new group. A dialog box will appear allowing you to enter the new group name.
Project - Change Base Image menu item
- The capability to change the base image (image used to generate the statistics) for a project has been implemented.

Bug Fixes

- Cluster Processor. A problem was fixed which caused a subset of training areas for clustering to always be the first 'n' selected classes. If one selected class 2 or 3 to be used, class 1 was always used.
- Display MultiSpectral Processor. A problem was fixed which caused images with one channel to not be displayed correctly because the 24-bit color option was being used instead of the 8-bit option.
- Reformat-Change Image File Format. A problem was fixed which caused a program error when copies of Thematic Image files were created when those files contained associated .TRL files.
Other Changes
- Changes were made in the process used to close MultiSpec so that one can cancel the dialog boxes used to request whether the text window, project file, class information or group information should be saved and return to MultiSpec; i.e. not shut down. Also the request to save the text window is not displayed if there have been no changes since it was last saved.


- This is the first 32-bit version that has been compiled with Visual C++ version 6. Visual C++ 4 was used for all previous versions.


981009 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
List Data
- An option has been added to allow one to list the channel data in columns instead of rows. This feature makes it easier to copy data to spreadsheets for cases when the number of channels is 900! as a user was working with recently. Many spreadsheets do not allow 900 columns but do allow 900 rows.
Principal Components
- The iteration limit was increased significantly so that the correct eigenvectors and eigenvalues would be computed for images with 900 channels. The change will allow correct computation for up to several thousand channels.
Graph Selection Windows
- The mean, plus/minus 1 standard deveiation, and min-max of the pixels selected in polygonal selections are now displayed in the graph selection windows.
Other Changes
- A programing error was fixed which would sometimes cause MultiSpec to crash when one selected a subset of channels.
- Image files with a suffix of .dat are now treated like .lan files in that the .dat is removed from the name and .sta is added to the name for image statistics files.
Windows Version (16-bit and 32-bit)
Statistics Window
- One can now select polygonal training and test fields!! One turns on polygonal field selection by checking the 'Polygon Enter' checkbox on the Select Field Mode of the Statistics Window.
Selection Areas
- The image will now scroll automatically if one moves the mouse during a selection to the edge of the image window when the image is larger than the image window. This occurs for both rectangular and polygonal area selections.
- If one holds the 'Control Key' down when one finishes a selection, that selection will be automatically made in all open image windows as long as that area in line and column units is visible in the other image window. The location of the selection in the other image windows is adjusted for any differences in the header start line and column values for the image files.
Macintosh Version
Selection Areas
- The key to cause a selection to be drawn in all open image windows was changed from the command key to the control key to be consistant with the Windows version.

980731 Version

Windows Version (16-bit and 32-bit)
Output Text Window
- Problem fixed which caused one not to be able to save the text in a file and to allow one to use the Edit-Select All menu item.
- The project now treats the name of base image files as case insensitive. If the name of the base image file in the project is 'TIPJUL1.LAN' and one opens an image file with the name of 'Tipjul1.lan', 'Tipjul1.lan' will be treated as the base image file. This was done to make it easier to change files back and forth between Mac and Windows systems.
- A problem occurred randomly where an open image dialog box would appear when the 'Cluster' processor was selected. The problem may be fixed but I am not completely sure yet. Let me know if anyone runs across this problem.

Reformat-Convert Project Fields to Thematic Image File

- This processor has been added. It allows one to make a thematic image map of the training and/or test fields. This was implemented as part of testing the polygonal area selection which will be released in mid to late August.
Image Windows
- Empty image windows are now erased properly. This problem was created when a fix for the 'flashing' in image windows while changing the size of the windows on NT systems was implemented in the last release.

980724 Version

Windows Version (16-bit and 32-bit)
Thematic Image Windows
- The blinking feature now works for both Windows NT and 95 OS systems on color monitors in 8, 16 or 24 bit color modes (at least on the 2 systems that we test MultiSpec on).
- One can now edit the color that is used as the background color when blinking. This is controlled by the 'Background color...' button in the thematic image dialog box.
MultiSpectral Image Windows
- The min-max values in the display enhancement dialog box now update correctly when one changes the percent tails clipping value.
Image Windows
- A fix was made so that selections would be drawn properly if one displayed a multispectral image in side-by-side channel mode and then made selections in an another image window which was not in side-by-side channel mode.
Image Windows
- The zoom buttons do not stay pushed in at times on Windows 95 systems when one uses the right button to speed the zoom process.


- Zooming and scrolling is now more consistent for large images or small images with large zoom factors. The line and column numbers were found to not be correct for selections made in images where the zoom factor was large. Zooming and scrolling works best on Windows NT systems. Problems occur on Windows 95 systems when the displayed line or column times the zoom factor exceeds 32,767; the window does not get updated.


- Problem fixed for cases when the image would be offset to the left or up when going from a zoom value greater than 1 to 1.


- The 'flashing' was reduced significantly on Windows NT systems when one changes the size of the window.

980717 Version

Windows Version (16-bit and 32-bit)
Problem was fixed which would not allow image windows to be zoomed.

980715 Version

Windows Version
Thematic Image Windows
- One can now double click on the color chip in the legend to open a dialog box which will allow you to change the color for the class or group.


Display Multispectral Images
- One can now open a dialog box for additional specifications for minimum and maximum values to be used for enhancing the display of the image.
- The histogram list of signed data in line mode is now correct.

980710 Version

Windows Version
This is an update to the 32-bit (and 16-bit) OS versions. Some programming errors were fixed which caused the 32-bit OS version to crash when statistics were cleared and then recomputed. Also the cause for text output not being written to the end of the text for the 32-bit version was found and fixed. To date the 32-bit OS version is still better behaved on NT than on Windows 95 systems. Some known problems are:
- The blinking feature for thematic images does not work correctly on Windows 95 systems when the number of colors is more than 256.
- The zoom button stays pushed in some times when one is also using the right mouse button to speed the zooming process.


- One can now just strike the return or enter keys after selecting a field in the project image window to cause the 'Add To List' button in the Statistics window to be activated. This is the same behavior that has been available in the Macintosh version.

980625 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
List Results
- A bug was fixed which would cause the system to crash if one created a table for a thematic image file which had fewer classes than that in the open project file.
- Changes were made so that class names longer than 16 characters would be listed down the first column of the table.


- If the signed/unsigned characteristic of the base image file changes after a project file has been set up, the user will now have to change the base image to that image file again which will force the statistics to be recomputed.
- A sound is generated if any of the covariance matrices cannot be inverted for an operation to notify the user that there is a problem.
Macintosh Version
Feature Extraction
- A bug was fixed which would cause the system to crash when one canceled the operation while the initial statistics were being loaded.
Windows Version
A 32-bit OS version is available for the first time. This version will run in native mode on Windows 95 or Windows NT systems. It has the same capabilities as the current Windows 3.1 version. To date the 32-bit OS version is better behaved on NT than on Windows 95. Some known problems:
- The blinking feature for thematic images does not work correctly on Windows 95 systems when the number of colors is more than 256.
- The zoom button stays pushed in some times when one is also using the right mouse button to speed the zooming process.
- Text output is placed after the cursor position in the text output window, not at the end of the text as it should be.

980612 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
- If one selects a subset of channels in one processor, that subset is saved and will be used as the starting point if one selects the channel subset menu item in another processor. This was done to make it easier to work with hyperspectral images.
- If one has an open statistics window with a class selected, then that class will be the default subset if one selects the classes subset menu item in another processor.
- Quick keys were added for the 'List Image Description', 'Check Covariances' and 'Check Transformation' Utility processors.
- Several bug fixes were made - particularly for cases when one had a project file open for which there was no project image file within the same folder.
Macintosh Version
This version runs correctly on 68K and PowerPC Macs.
Windows Version
A bug was fixed which caused MultiSpec to crash if one used the 'File - Change Image Description' menu item.

980509 Version

NOTE (5/11/98): The the 5.9.98 Macintosh version does not run correctly on 68K Macs. The problem is with a new compiler that I changed to within the last 2 weeks. I am allowing one to download the 1.23.98 version to run on 68K Macs.

Macintosh and Windows Versions
- MATCHED FILTER CLASSIFIER. The CEM classifier was modified so that instead of using the class with the highest CEM value for a given pixel as the closest class, the class with a CEM value closest to '1' is used as the closest class. We believe that this is more fundamentally correct.
Classify and List Results Table
- Classification Accuracy Table. A problem was fixed which caused the Kappa Statistic and Variance to not be calculated properly for 'larger' numbers of training and/or test samples.
Reformat-Change Image File Format\
- A problem was fixed in which the difference of a 1-byte channel and a 2-byte channel in a link multispectral image file was not computed properly.
- 'Edit Selection Rectangle' has been added to the Edit Menu and to the Statistics Window - Select Field window. When one selections this menu item (or button in the Statistics Window), a dialog box is presented to the user to allow one to change the coordinates of the selected area.
Statistics Dialog Box
- New capabilities have been added to allow one to have more control over the labels that are displayed for the training and/or test areas. One can now select either or all of class names, field names, field train/test label and whether the fields are to be labeled with black or white lines. Also changes were made so that the labels for polygonal fields are drawn closer or within the field areas most of the time.
Macintosh Version
Printing and Copying to the Clipboard
- A problem was fixed in which the field boundaries were not printed or copied properly when a selected portion of the image was being used and the zoom factor was larger than one.
Statistics Images
- Changes were made in the 'Create Statistics Images' Utilities Processor. One can now create a statistics image of a selected image area in addition to selected classes or fields. One can now also control the minimum and maximum values for the y-axis for the mean and standard deviation plot below the covariance image.
Windows Version
Everything in the 980123 and 980116 MACINTOSH VERSIONS listed below except for items beginning with '-*'.
Feature Selection
- This processor has been added. It contains all of the features as that in the Macintosh version except for the capability to set unequal class pair weights and user defined symbols.
Image Controls (image zoom & legend scroll)
- A change was made so that if one clicks the right mouse button down while one is zooming in or out or scrolling the legend list, the control action will occur as fast as it can. Otherwise a delay is in effect so that one click of the left mouse button will only cause a single zoom or scroll action to occur. (This feature is the same as holding the command key down in the Macintosh version.)

980123 Version

Macintosh Version
- A change was made so that statistics would be saved and read properly in the project file after training fields had been cut and/or uncut when enhanced statistics existed.
- A fix was made so that the latest version of the project files could be opened when double-clicked in the finder.

980116 Version

Macintosh Version
- ECHO CLASSIFIER. One now has a choice between using the Maximum Likelihood or the Fisher Linear Discriminant algorithm within Echo. The difference is the covariance matrix to be used for each of the classes: The Maximum Likelihood algorithm uses the respective covariance matrix for each class, the Fisher Linear Discriminant uses the same covariance, the common covariance, for all classes.
- CORRELATION CLASSIFIER. A correlation classifier called the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) has been added. This classifier compares the shape of the spectral response of the sample to the mean for each of the training classes using a correlation coefficient ignoring the absolute difference or offset between the spectral response curves. One can set a threshold using the correlation coefficient value or an angle derived from the inverse cosine of the correlation coefficient. (This is where the term spectral angle mapper comes from.) (Kruse, F.A., et. al. 1993. "The Spectral Image Processing System (SIPS) - Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Imaging Spectrometer Data. Remote Sensing of Environment, v. 44, p. 145-163.)
The user has one option specific to the correlation classifier - specification of the class covariance matrix to be used - either none (the default), the sample covariance or the common covariance. This option can be accessed by holding the 'option key' down before mousing down on the classification procedure popup menu. The use of a covariance matrix in the correlation classifier algorithm 'normalizes' the data from channel to channel in the same way that the covariance matrix normalizes the data in the Maximum Likelihood or Fisher Discriminant classifiers.
- MATCHED FILTER CLASSIFIER. A matched filter classifier called Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM) has been added. (Resmini, R.G., J.C. Harsanyi, et. al.. 1997. "Mineral mapping with Hyperspectral Digital Imagery Collection Experiment (HYDICE) sensor data at Cuprite, Nevada, U.S.A.; Harsanyi, J.C. 1993. Detection and Classification of Subpixel Spectral Signatures in Hyperspectral Image Sequences. PhD Dissertation, University of Maryland, Baltimore County.)
- FISHER LINEAR DISCRIMINANT CLASSIFIER. A problem was corrected which caused incorrect classifications when using transformed channels under some situations.
Classify and List Results Table
- Classification Accuracy Table. The Overall Kappa Statistic and Variance and the reliability accuracy, also called user's accuracy, have been added to the classification performance table. The format of the table has been changed so that the width of each individual column is controlled by the length of the class name. Up to the first 12 characters of the class or group name is used. (Congalton, R.G. 1991. A Review of Assessing the Accuracy of Classifications of Remotely Sensed Data. Remote Sensing of Environment 37:35-46.)
The option for equalizing the covariance when computing the initial eigenvector cluster centers has been removed. It did not seem to add much capability and it reduced the complexity of the dialog box for some additional features.
One now has the option to use the class means in the current project as initial cluster centers for isodata clustering. If the user specifies more clusters than there are current project classes, then the additional cluster centers are added by inserting them in areas of the data that are not represented by the project classes.
- A problem was fixed for both single pass and isodata clustering which was caused by data values larger than 46,341.
Display Image
- If the number of channels in the image to be displayed is 210, MultiSpec assumes that it is HYDICE data and uses channels 63, 52, 36 as the default for red, green and blue. Also if the number of channels is 5, MultiSpec assumes that it is MSS data and uses channels 4, 2,1 as the default for red, green and blue.
-* The ability to group spectral classes together in information groups from within the Display Thematic Image Dialog box using the Display popup menu has been removed. This capability has been replaced by the same using the thematic image legend directly. The Display popup menu now allows one to select whether the spectral classes or information groups (if available) are to be displayed in the image window.
-* A change was made in how 16- and 24-bit color images are handled. In the past a palette was always created with the best 240 colors that would be used in case the image was being displayed on a monitor set for only 8-bits of color. This could take a long time if the image being displayed was very large. This feature is now a user controlled one. The user can request a better 8-bit palette for the active image window by selecting the 'Better 8-bit Palette' menu item under the Palette Menu.
- A programming error was fixed so that thematic images with more than 32,767 classes would be displayed properly.
- A programming error was fixed so that the entire image window would be copied to the clipboard correctly if no selection had been made.
List Data
-* Some new features were added to make viewing of graphs of the data easier. One can use the 'esc key' to cancel viewing the data in graphs and one can click on non-MultiSpec window that is visible on the monitor to switch to that application.
- A programming error was fixed which caused MultiSpec to crash if one tried to list data for a subset of channels.
- The Project file format has changed. The new format includes the Leave-One-Out Covariance values and a flag indicating whether the base image contains signed data.
-* A change was made in how the alert message requesting the user whether the project is to be saved before quitting is handled. If the user cancels the project save operation, the user gets another chance to save the project file. The project file is not saved only if the user requests that it not be saved. A problem existed, for example, when the user canceled a save that was taking too long. The user may wish to change the project save settings to generate a smaller file. In the past if the user canceled the save operation, then MultiSpec just quit, thereby loosing any project changes.
Reformat-Change Image File Format
- One can now use a real number to specify the data value scale factor to be used when transforming images using creating principal component or feature extraction transformations.
- A problem was fixed in which 16-bit BIS formatted files were not converted correctly to BIL format. This problem was created when the signed data capability was implemented last March, 1997.
Reformat-Rectify Image
-* The capability was added so that one can shift all channels in an image left or right with blank columns being added at the beginning or end of each line of data as required for the shift.
Reformat-Convert Project Field to Thematic Image
-* The use of the training and test field check boxes in the dialog box for 'Convert Project Field to Thematic Image' now work properly. Before this version these boxes had no affect. All training and test fields for the selected classes were converted.
Reformat-Convert ENVI ASCII ROI to Thematic Image
-* This was actually a new capability in the 6.6.97 version but not identified as such. This option allows one to convert an ASCII file with pixels identified as part of a region of interest, ROI, to be converted to a thematic image with a different class for each ROI. ENVI can generate such files. An example of the format of the ascii file is as follows:
ROI Name : Corn
ROI Color: (255,255,0)
( 92 ) , ( 44 )
( 93 ) , ( 45 )
( 94 ) , ( 45 )
( 94 ) , ( 44 )
( 92 ) , ( 43 )
( 92 ) , ( 44 )
( 92 ) , ( 45 )
( 92 ) , ( 46 )
( 93 ) , ( 46 )
ROI Name : Soil
ROI Color: (255,255,0)
The procedure to convert the file is to open the multispectral image file on which the ROI's are based. Select the Reformat-Convert ENVI ... option. MultiSpec will request a name for the output file and then allow you to select the ROI ASCII file to be used.
- A third method for computing the sample covariance has been added called the Leave-One-Out Covariance (LOOC) developed by Joe Hoffbeck. The three choices for statistics are now: Original, Leave-One-Out, and Enhanced. The LOOC is a method to estimate a better sample covariance for those cases when the number of training samples is on the order of the number of channels being used or fewer.
The choice is controlled by the 'Project' menu or the 'Stats' popup menu in the 'Class Mode' Statistics Window. The 'Project' menu items set the statistics type that is to be used for all classes in the project. The 'Stats' popup menu in the 'Class Mode' Statistics Window allows one to select a specific statistics choice for an individual class. This is most useful when one is using hyperspectral data and has some classes with relative few training samples and some classes with many training samples. One may want to use the LOOC option for those classes with few training sample and the Original option for those classes with many training samples.
The statistic option used is listed in the text window output for each processor that uses the class statistics. The leave-one-out parameter is listed in the output for the list statistics output controlled by the List button on the Statistics Window.
(Hoffbeck, Joseph P. and David A. Landgrebe, "Covariance Matrix Estimation and Classification with Limited Training Data," IEEE Transactions of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 763-767, July 1996.)
Statistics Images
-* A problem was fixed in the 'Create Statistics Images' Utilities Processor. The labels were not being included in the images. Other formatting problems were also fixed.
Statistics Window
- The 'List Statistics' buttons in the statistics window have been changed to a button with a popup menu if one holds the mouse button down. One can list the statistics for the Classes and Fields, Classes, Fields, Class and Fields, Class or Field depending upon the mode of the statistics window. One can also choose formatting options to be used for listing by selecting the 'List Stats...' option in the popup menu. Also the list covariance and/or correlation matrix options in the 'Statistics Dialog' box been removed from.
- The options in the 'List Statistics' dialog box include list data for Field, Class, Covariance Matrix and/or Covariance matrix. One can select the decimal precision to be used. One can also request that the listed data represent the transformed statistics using the latest saved transformation matrix.
- A programming error was fixed which caused MultiSpec to crash if one opened the statistics dialog box under low memory conditions.
- A dialog box is now presented to the user when quitting from MultiSpec requesting whether the user wants to save the information in the text output window to a text file if it has changed since the last save.


970606 Version

Macintosh and Windows Versions
Changes were made in the classifiers. The L1 minimum distance classifier was removed as an option and the Fisher's Linear Classifier was added as an option. The Fisher's Linear classifier is a good choice when there is a limited number of training samples. In fact the performance may be better than the Maximum likelihood classifier when there are several channels and the number of training samples is only 1 or 2 times the number of channels.
The Maximum Likelihood, Fisher Linear and Euclidean Minimum distance classifiers are related. One can think of the Fisher Linear as being the same as the Maximum Likelihood classifier when the same covariance matrix, the common covariance, is used for all classes. The Euclidean Minimum Distance classifier gives the same results as the Maximum Likelihood classifier when one assumes the covariance matrix for all classes is the identity matrix.
A new feature has been added to allow the user to control what is included in the classify processor output - 'Results List Option'. The items that can be controlled for both Training and Test data are the area listings, area classification summary, area performance summary table and class performance summary table. This feature was added for those cases when there are hundreds of areas used for training and/or testing. In this case, the output in the text output window becomes very large.

List Results and Classify

The format of the performance summary table for classifications of selected areas has been changed so that the classes are now listed in a column form instead of a row form to permit the complete class name is listed. The table is now easier to read. The table includes a column indicating the percent of pixels in each class in addition to the number of pixels in each class.
A fix was made so that thresholding with values less than 0.2 percent would work correctly.
The base image for a project may now include those that contain signed (or negative) data values. This occurs for AVIRIS or HYDICE data. The data values from these systems may be calibrated to radiance. For some channels, such as the water absorption bands, the signal is rather low and relatively noisy. Some pixels may contain small negative data values. All processors have been modified to be able to handle negative data values.
A change was made in the way singularity is checked for when inverting matrices. A situation was found in which the matrix was treated as non-singular when actually it was singular. This occurred when the number of samples used to compute a covariance matrix was just 1 or 2 more than the number of channels.
Macintosh Version
Reformat - Rectify Image
A bug was fixed which caused MultiSpec to crash if images with 2-byte data were rotated.
Statistics Enhancement
A change was made so that classes with no variances, such as a background class, can be used as long as the user selects the 'Set 0 Variance to' option in the 'Options' dialog box from within the Statistics dialog window.
Windows Version
A bug was fixed which caused the training and test field/class performance tables to be incorrect when a project was used with more than 1213 training and test fields.

Cluster - ISODATA

When one cancels while going through the iterations for ISODATA, an alert message is now presented to the user to allow the user to finish the current iteration and then quit normally as if the cluster was at an end, cancel the operation and exit the cluster processor immediately or ignore the cancel request and continue processing as if nothing had happened. This is alert is the same as is in the Macintosh version.

List Data Processor

The 'List Data' processor has been implemented. If one selects the option to graph the data in a per-pixel graph of response versus channel, use the window close or double click on the graph with the left mouse button to go to the next plot.
List Results Processor
The 'List Results' processor has been implemented.
Principal Components Processor
The 'Principal Components' processor has been implemented. Note that if the 'Save Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors' option is selected, that information, also called transformation matrix, is saved in memory for later use for transforming the original channels. The transformation information may be saved to disk and loaded later by using the 'File-Save Transformation Matrix' and 'File-Load Transformation Matrix' menu items. Note that the transformation disk file created by the Windows version of MultiSpec can not be read by the Macintosh version of MultiSpec and vice versa. The transformation may be cleared from memory using the 'Edit-Clear Transformation Matrix' menu item .
A bug was fixed which caused MultiSpec to lock the Windows OS up when a project was used with more than 1213 training and test fields.
Reformat-Change Image File Format
The ability to transform an image file using the transformation (eigenvectors) created by the principal components processor has been implemented. Note that one needs to select the 'Save Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors' option when running the Principal Components processor to be able to use the eigenvectors for transforming the data.
The ability to append selected image data from the active image window to another image disk file or modify data in an image disk file using data in the active image window has been implemented. These are additional options in the 'Output file' pop-up menu
Thematic Image Window
The legend will now blink when the display is in 64K or greater color mode.

Check Transformation Matrix

The capability to check transformation matrices that have been saved to memory has been implemented. This is under the Processor-Utility menu list. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors making up the transformation matrix can be listed. Also the transformation can be evaluated by multiplying the eigenvector matrix by its transpose to verify that the result is the identity matrix.
Options-Selection Graphs Menu Item
A bug was fixed which would cause the system to crash if a selection graph window was closed and then training and/or test fields were drawn on an image window when a new project file was opened.
File-Save Image to TIFF As
A bug was fixed which would not allow images to be saved as TIFF files if the name of the image disk file was less than 8 characters. (This would cause a blank within the first 8 characters of the title of the image window which was used as the name of the TIFF file - a 'no-no' for DOS file names.)

970304 Version

Macintosh Version
A change was made in the calculation of the threshold table so that MultiSpec would not go into an infinite loop for some cases when running MultiSpec under MAE.
Feature Selection & Feature Extraction
A bug was fixed which would cause MultiSpec to crash if one opened the unequal weights dialog box more than once.
The capability was added so that if the user changed the size of the screen on the monitor while MultiSpec was running, he/she would be able to drag and grow images windows within the new boundaries of the screen.
Windows Version
Save Image as TIFF file
The capability to save the image or a selected portion of the image in the image window to a TIFF file has been added. This capability can be accessed from the File menu when the image window is active.
Print Image and Print Preview
The capability to print the image or a selected portion of the image to the designated printer has been added. The image will be printed at the magnification currently being used in the image window, unless the image is too large for page. In that case the printer magnification is reduced so that the image will just fill one printer page. This capability can be accessed from the File menu when the image window is active.
Note that at the current time only the image portion of Thematic image windows are printed, not the legends.
Copy Image
The capability to copy the image or a selected portion of the image to the clipboard so that it can be pasted into another application has been added. This capability can be accessed from the Edit menu when the image window is active.
Note that at the current time only the image portion of Thematic image windows are copied, not the legends.
Many changes were made so that colors are handled much better when one has several image windows open and activate different windows or change between MultiSpec and another application with color windows. Also changes were made so that if one blinks a color in a Thematic image window, the colors in the background windows will not blink.
This version may fix a problem that was experienced with zooming in on image windows on some Dell Pentium machines. Let me know if you had trouble with previous versions and now do not.

970123 Version

Note!! Documentation is now available in Adobe Acrobat format. If you are using Netscape Navigator 2 or later and Adobe Acrobat Reader version 3 or later, you can read the documentation from within the web browser.

Macintosh and Windows Versions
Open Image
MultiSpec now recognizes the PDS image data header format. This is the format that much of the HYDICE data is distributed in.
A palette option has been added to the Classify dialog box. The option is available when the user requests that the classified image be written to a ERDAS .GIS disk file. The palette option is used to determine the colors to be assigned to the classes in the trailer (.TRL) file that is written along with the classified image (.GIS) file.
A "Threshold Class" is now listed at the beginning of the cluster class list instead of at the end so that the "False Color...' option discussed under "Display Image (Thematic)" will work with cluster map classifications.
Display Image (Multispectral)
A problem was fixed which caused MultiSpec to crash or a file i/o error to appear when displaying an image stored on a CD-ROM and canceling the dialog box that requested where to store the image statistics file.
Display Image (Thematic)
A new option has been added to the Palette popup menu labeled as 'False Color...'. This option can be used when a Project is open and the number of classes in the thematic image window is the same as the number of classes in the Project. This option allows the user to define colors for the classes based on the class means. When one selects 'False Color...' a dialog box will appear which allows the user to select the channels to be assigned to red, green and blue. A list of the available channels and any description is also available as information to the user. For example one could assign channels 4, 3, and 2 to red, green and blue, respectively, for Thematic Mapper data to obtain class colors very similar to a multispectral color IR image of the data. Classes which are close to each other in spectral space for the three selected channels will have similar colors. This is similar to how the GAIA application assigned colors to classes. This palette menu is used in the Classify dialog box and in the thematic image window.
The assignment of colors for images with more than 256 classes has been made more consistent when one changes between the palette options.
Thematic Image Window
Many changes were made to make control of the legend more intuitive and easier to manipulate. Legend changes which in previous Macintosh versions could only be controlled from the 'Display Image' dialog box can now be controlled directly from the legend in the image window. A description of the capabilities within the legend is given below. Note that a few of them have not been completed for the Windows version. Those that have not been implemented are listed under the WINDOWS VERSION section.
Legend Appearance: The legend title is now a popup menu with Classes, Groups and Groups/Classes options. Selecting one of these options will cause the legend list and/or colors to change. There are three control buttons at the bottom of the list. One can be used to scroll the list up and one can be used to scroll down when need. The list will scroll slow enough to allow one to read the list. If one wants to scroll as fast as possible, hold the command key down while mousing down on the scroll up or down buttons. (One can still scroll the legend by mousing down to the left of the class or group names on the color chip, hold the mouse button down and drag up or down to force the list to scroll.) The third button, label 'P', is the palette button. When one clicks down on this button a palette popup menu, the same one used in the Display Image dialog box, will appear to allow the user to select a different color set.
As before one can double click on the color chip to change the color for the class or group. Also as before, one can hold the shift key down and click on the color chip to cause the color to blink between the given color (mouse button up) and the background color (mouse button down). If one holds the shift and control keys down and clicks on a color chip, the colors for all other classes or groups will blink. If one holds the "shift and option keys down for Macintosh" or "shift and right mouse button down for Windows version" and clicks on a color chip, the colors for that class or group and all classes or groups above it in the list will blink. (Note that this is useful for the probability map images.)
One controls the width of the legend as before by mousing down on the black rectangle (Macintosh Version) or splitter bar (Windows Version) to the left of the scroll bar and dragging the desired legend width. If one changes the width of the legend to less than 5 pixels wide, then no legend is displayed. Note that the width of the legend is force to a minimum width so that the popup box can be displayed. If one double clicks on the black box in the scroll portion of the window while the legend is closed, the legend will automatically open. If the legend is open and one double clicks on the black box, the legend will close.
Classes list: The user can double click on the class name (not the color chip) to open a dialog box which allows the user to change the class name. One can save changes in the class names and assigned colors by selecting 'Save Thematic Class Info As...' from the File menu. The changes can be saved to the current trailer file associated with the class, default is image name with .TRL suffix, or to a different file. A different trailer file which contains the class names and colors can be associated with the thematic image by selecting 'Open Thematic Class Info...' from the File menu.
Group list: The user can double click on the group name (not the color chip) to open a dialog box which allows the user to change the group name. One can save changes in the group names and assigned colors by selecting 'Save Thematic Group Info' from the File menu. The changes are saved to the end of the image file. The desired class grouping, group names and colors can be read from a different thematic image file and assigned to the current thematic image by selecting 'Open Thematic Group Info...' from the File menu, as long as the number of classes in the two images files are the same.
Group/Class list: This is the legend to use to change the grouping of the classes. Note that the color chip goes with the group names. List items without color chips represents classes. One can double click on the group names or class names to edit them. One can mouse down on a class name and drag it to a different group. If one holds the control key down and double clicks on a class name, the class will be assigned to a new group. A dialog box will appear allowing you to enter the group name.
Macintosh Version
Thematic Image Window
The many changes in the thematic legend are listed above. Note that eventually the ability to group classes into information groups from within the Display Thematic Image dialog box will be removed since this can now be done in the image window.
Statistics Enhancement
The maximum value for the 'outlier threshold (log like)' has been changed from 1480 to 22800.
A change was made so that the set of unlabeled samples do not include any labeled samples if the labeled samples were not generated from the Cluster Processor. Using every nth line and column for unlabeled samples would sometimes included labeled samples. This did not make any difference for images with a low number of channels. It did make some difference in some cases when 200 channels were being used.
Programming error corrected which caused MultiSpec to crash sometimes when one ran MultiSpec with more than 50 megabytes of assigned RAM.
Windows Version
Programming error corrected which caused an application error when running Echo and requesting the class and field image maps to be written to disk.
Thematic Image Window
The legend is now displayed in the thematic image window. The legend features will eventually be the same as those given above. All of the features have been implemented for the Windows version except for:
Legend appearance: The palette button is not available, one cannot change the palette colors and fast scrolling has not been implemented. Also double clicking on the splitter bar will not cause the thematic legend to open or close.
Group/Class list: One cannot drag classes from one group to another and one cannot create new groups.

961016 and Earlier Macintosh Versions

960808 and Earlier Windows Versions