EE 606

EE-606: Solid State Devices

Academic Honesty and Ethics

Purdue University expects every member of the university community to practice honorable and ethical behavior. Any actions that might unfairly improve a student¡¯s score on homework, quizzes, or examinations is considered cheating, and will not be tolerated. Examples of cheating include (but are not limited to):

  • copying from another student or from unauthorized crib sheets during a test
  • working on an test before or after the official time allowed
  • requesting a re-grade of answers or work that has been altered
  • submitting homework that is not your own work (you are encouraged to discuss your homework with other students, but the actual work should be your own)
At the instructor¡¯s discretion, an incident of cheating may result in a reduced score, a zero score, or a failing grade for the course. All occurrences of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Students and the Head of ECE.
If there is any question as to whether a given action might be construed as cheating, please see the instructor before you engage in any such activity.